Early mortals' confusion about the nature of souls, ghosts, and spirits was due to the absence of reasoned thought in the presence of perplexity, leading to gross inconsistencies in their beliefs. [1]
Children best relate to reality by mastering child-parent relationships and then expanding to embrace larger concepts of family, community, race, world, universe, superuniverse, and beyond. [2] Logic is the synthetic truth-seeking progression of the unity of faith and reason, based on innate recognition of things, meanings, and values. [3] The savage mind, uneducated and unsophisticated, attributed cause and effect to events without understanding the true nature of consequences. [4] Revelation transforms scientific reasoning about nature's First Cause into the God of salvation, requiring spiritual insight for validation. [5]
Logic is the method of philosophy, reason is the method of science, and faith is the method of religion, all upheld by the experiential harmony of revelation. [6]
Intelligent men must use consistent logic, tolerating truth alongside fact, and recognizing the activities of a purposive Creator in the evolution of spiritual experiences. [7]
Experience with God transcends mere intellectual logic, as reason alone can never validate religious values and goodnesses. [8]
The existence of God cannot be proven by scientific experiment or logical deduction; instead, it can only be realized through human experience, deemed reasonable by logic, plausible by philosophy, and essential to religion. [9] Approaching higher from lower is an error in logic that can lead to oversimplification, distortion of facts, and a misconception of destinies. [10] Self-interest largely obscures logic in man's beliefs, whether savage or civilized. [11]
Logic and mathematics, while valid in the material world, are not infallible when applied to life problems due to the complexities of non-material phenomena. [12] Without knowledge, understanding the mysteries of the Father's worlds and the function of God the Sevenfold is impossible. [13]