This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
Absence of reasoned thought in presence of perplexity explains gross inconsistencies. [1] Child best relates to reality by first mastering child-parent relationship, then enlarging. [2] Founded on innate recognition of things, meanings, and values. [3] If one event followed another, savage considered them cause and effect. [4]
Can never validate religious experience. [5] Cannot prove existence of God. [6] Error of approaching higher from lower. [7] Largely obscured by self-interest. [8] Not infallible when applied to life problems. [9] Without knowledge one cannot successfully reason. [10]
May lead back to First Cause. [11] Method of philosophy, science. [12] Tolerates concept of truth alongside observation of fact. [13]