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Always linked with property and religion. [1]
Always planned by parents. [2] Annulled if woman barren. [3] Betrothal equivalent to marriage. [4] Custom of wife stealing from neighboring tribes. [5] Early man could kill wife at will. [6] First matchmakers were barbers; later priests. [7] Group marriage gave way before polygamy. [8] Husband lost deposit in case of divorce or desertion. [9] In-marriage and outmarriage. [10] Infidelity test from Old Testament. [11] Marriage by capture preceded marriage by contract. [12] Marriage practiced among children because ancients believed it necessary to enter spiritland. [13] Mores regarding. [14] Neanderthalers gave most successful hunters choice of wives. [15] Outmarriage led to tribal co-ordination and military alliances. [16] Plural marriage. [17] Polyandry limited to queens and rich women. [18]
Four sorts of wives. [19] Multiple mating common outside the Garden. [20] Number of wives limited by husband’s ability to provide for. [21] Survival of female-slavery in marriage. [22]
Practice of brother-sister marriage dates from Adam. [23] Puberty common age of. [24] Races exalting marriage survived in increased numbers. [25] Required consent of ruler. [26] Tribes required feats to qualify for marriage. [27] Under property mores. [28]
Andon and Fonta’s agreement to live with and for each other. [29] Continence cult tolerated marriage as evil lesser than fornication. [30] Does not exist after life in flesh. [31] Fostered by Prince’s staff. [32]
Cherish wife as Father exalts Spirit Mother. [33] Lifelong partnership of self-effacement, compromise, devotion, and unselfish dedication to child culture. [34] Material Sons portray ideals of. [35] Michael and Mother Spirit represent. [36] Most ideal, highest human relationship. [37]
Immanuel discouraged Jesus from entering. [38]
Now temporarily unstable. [39] Institution of society, not department of church. [40] Regulates sex relations and inheritance. [41] Repercussion to mating instinct. [42]
Jewish weddings celebrated on Wednesday; festivities lasted a week. [43] Laws regarding marriage in continental nation. [44]
Antagonistic co-operation. [45] Becoming mutual, romantic, ethical, and idealistic. [46] Decidedly best for children. [47] Enduring marriage never founded on biologic affection alone. [48] Error to regard as sacrament. [49] Idealistic goal of human sex evolution. [50] Mother entitled to be certain of husband’s affections. [51] Not biologic but sociologic. [52] Not founded on sex relations. [53] Often fails for lack of self-control. [54] Real test is inescapable continuous intimacy. [55] Sexual fidelity, not mutual monopoly of personality. [56] Special protection man can give woman. [57] Stabilized by mores, property, pride, chivalry, duty, and religion. [58] Union of one man and one woman to establish home. [59] Unnatural to evolutionary man. [60] Works hardship on those not so fortunate. [61]
Mores distinct from secret and personal relations. [62] Temper youthful idealization with premarital disillusionment. [63]
Benefits from disciplines of average sex relations. [64] Co-operating man and woman vastly superior to 2 men or 2 women. [65] Designed to compose sex differences. [66] Function in evolution is insurance of race survival. [67] Honorable and to be desired by all. [68] Stimulates highest potentials in human nature. [69] Worth any sacrifice requisite for its possession. [70]
Woman is the interested party in promoting marriage. [71]
See also: UB 82; UB 83; UB 84; UB 83:8; UB 83:6.