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Archangel supervises translation in morontia temple. [1]
Son seizure from among the living. [2] Soul’s fusion with Adjuster in mortal life. [3]
55 Amadonites of immortal status translated upon. Receivers’ arrival. [4] Elijah called away. [5] Enoch was first mortal to fuse. [6] Machiventa Melchizedek. [7] Van and Amadon translated to Jerusem. [8]
In light and life, translation in morontia temple. [9] Majority experience translation on advanced worlds. [10] Mortal resigns planetary duties, bids farewell before translation. [11] Occurs many times before we see God. [12] Often occurs in planetary atmosphere. [13] Some mortals of Adjuster-fusion status exempted from translation to continue in important posts. [14] Souls proceed by Adjuster transit to resurrection hall. [15] Spiritual flames instantly consume material body. [16] Translated mortals exempt from passing through education of. Mansion worlds, system, or constellation. [17]
See also: UB 112:7.3.