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Assurance of truth replaces assurance of faith for. [1] Do not retain self-consciousness without Adjuster. [2] Life after death no different in essentials than mortal existence. [3] May make changes in personal abodes. [4] May visit superuniverse upon attaining spirit status. [5] Michael’s bestowal as morontia progressors on Endantum. [6]
Are like angels’. [7] Ascenders have 570 morontia bodies in course of morontia life. [8] Do not have circulating blood or eat ordinary food. [9] Enormous range of vision. [10] Highly individual; vary with nature of inner person. [11] Individualized by the morontia mind. [12] Morontia-form changes necessary for each successive sphere; re-keying performed by selective assorters. [13] Require food and drink; no residual waste. [14] Retain same form until becoming first-stage spirits. [15] Subject to certain accidents. [16]
Mortals denominated morontia progressors after mansion worlds until attainment of spirit status at end of local universe sojourn. [17] No Jerusem citizens fell in Lucifer rebellion. [18] No marriage between. [19] Opportunity to visit any realm experientially attained. [20] Remain in full contact with material world. [21] Retain ability to recognize beings of previous levels. [22]
Adamic training; training on Edentia. [23] Career equally divided between work and play. [24] Divestment of erroneous ideas of God and spirit. [25] Learn languages much as we do down here. [26] No time limit set for progression. [27] Progressively more difficult tasks given to perform. [28]
Translated souls do not pass through mansion worlds. [29] Use material and semimaterial means of atmospheric passage. [30] Wards of the local universe. [31]