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Attributes of Roman state. [1] Demanded loyalty. [2]
Destruction of Jerusalem by Roman armies. [3] Judea was the most difficult province to govern; error to have sent Pilate. [4] Objectives in Levant. [5] Overcame nationalism by imperial universalism. [6] Wars with Parthia. [7]
Included all of southern Europe, Asia Minor, Syria, Egypt, northwest Africa. [8] Jews revolt against Roman Empire suicidal. [9] No Latin word for unselfishness. [10] Political genius for empire administration. [11] Practice of carrying water 3 times around corpse. [12] Practice of throwing stone into air invoking Jupiter. [13] Reasons for decline; too rapid extension with internal degeneration. [14]
Christians conquered Roman Empire in 300 years. [15] Conquered by cults and god concepts of Egypt, Greece, and the Levant. [16] Emperor worship. [17] Fought Christianity at first. [18] Influence on Christianity. [19] Mostly observances of forms, vows, and taboos. [20] Political observance. [21] Receptive to Christian teachings. [22] Spiritually unsatisfied in times of Jesus. [23] Tolerant of all religions. [24] Took over Greek culture, religion. [25] Triad gods. [26]
5 social strata in times of Jesus. [27] Conditions in 2nd century A.D. [28] Favored monogamous marriage. [29] Half population were slaves; majority inferiors. [30] Half the year wasted on cult ceremonies. [31] Jews scattered throughout. [32] Lax divorce practices. [33] No widespread social problems. [34] Romans contrasted with Greeks and Jews. [35] Romans were great, governed themselves; lawyers by nature and training. [36]
Strengths and weaknesses. [37]
See also: UB 98:3.