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Accomplish some specific task, usually in a few hours. [1]
Are of extraordinary versatility and experience. [2] Are self-acting. [3] One Adjuster’s plea. [4] Sometimes transmit messages during making and breaking of contacts with reservists. [5] Used for interplanetary communication on quarantined worlds. [6]
Apart from 20 contact personalities, all are unconscious of their preparation. [7] Cosmic reserve corps of universe-conscious citizens. [8] Have guardians of destiny. [9] In rare emergencies, function to prevent breakdown of culture or extinction of truth. [10] Living men and women admitted to special service of superhuman administration. [11] Pivotal individuals in plans world administrators are prosecuting. [12] Rehearsed to act in crisis in deep mind by Adjuster, seraphic ministry. [13] Secondary midwayers are contact guardians. [14] Seldom emblazoned on pages of history. [15] Selected for inherent capacity, wholehearted dedication, willingness to serve without human recognition. [16] Unconscious conservators of essential planetary information. [17]
See also: UB 114:7.