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Absence of mota prevents man from discerning goodness, love, and truth in material world. [1]
Experiential connection between material and spiritual. [2] Morontia wisdom. [3] Substance is knowledge-reason, essence is faith-insight. [4] Supermaterial reality sensitivity. [5]
Articulates morontia experiences with personality. [6] Attempts integration of meanings and values. [7] Erases divergencies between science and religion. [8] Guides newly survived mortals. [9] Long experience with mota unifies universe perception. [10] Partially proves postulates of science and religion. [11]
Lower planes of mota join directly with higher levels of human philosophy. [12] Morontia religion relates to firmer grasp of. [13] No ascending mortal leaves system headquarters without achieving. [14] Nonattainable by material personalities. [15] Possession determines suffrage qualifications. [16] Predicated on experience of having survived. [17] Revelation is only substitute for. [18] Stereoscopic effect on meanings and values. [19] Study on mansion worlds. [20]
See also: UB 48:7.