This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
Adjuster’s sudden down-grasp to synchronize with consecrated purpose. [2] So-called conversion usually result of mental conflict, emotional repression. [3] Some stormy, some natural. [4] Transformation may occur gradually or suddenly. [5]
Conscious reception of Spirit of Truth. [6] Espousal of Adjuster’s leading. [7] Essential to deliverance from evil. [8] Necessary to enter kingdom. [9] Receiving indwelling of God. [10] Testing process of self-destruction and soul reconstruction. [11] Wholehearted choice of spirit guidance. [12]
If any man has Jesus within, he is a new creature. [13] Impart advanced instruction only after. [14] Required to make goals eternal. [15]
Becoming master of self and its desires. [16] Becoming truth co-ordinated. [17] Love for fellows. [18] Power to overcome all doubt. [19] Salvation. [20]
Upon disillusionment with pursuits of selfishness. [21]
See also: UB 100:5.