Hybridization makes for species improvement because of the role of the dominant genes. Racial intermixture increases the likelihood of a larger number of the desirable dominants being present in the hybrid. [1]
Genetics underlies all ability and all character. [2] Certain gland's chemistry influences inherent imagination and spiritual receptivity. [3] Mortals differ in innate endowments and acquired qualities. [4]
While inherited urges cannot be fundamentally modified, emotional responses to such urges can be changed; therefore the moral nature can be modified, character can be improved. [5] The play and humor of the present-day races are largely derived from the Adamic stock. [6] Religious experience is markedly influenced by physical health, inherited temperament, and social environment. [7]
Religion is the mighty lever that lifts civilization from chaos, but it is powerless apart from the fulcrum of sound and normal mind resting securely on sound and normal heredity. [8]
While a good environment cannot contribute much toward really overcoming the character handicaps of a base heredity, a bad environment can very effectively spoil an excellent inheritance, at least during the younger years of life. [9] It often requires ages upon ages to recoup the damage occasioned by the loss of a single superior strain of human heredity. [10]
Morontia life removes all genetic handicaps. [11]
Limitations of intellect, curtailment of education, deprivation of culture, impoverishment of social status, even inferiority of the human standards of morality resulting from the unfortunate lack of educational, cultural, and social advantages, cannot invalidate the presence of the divine spirit in such unfortunate and humanly handicapped but believing individuals. [12]
On Urantia the endeavors of the Life Carriers to improve the Satania life patterns necessarily resulted in the production of many apparently useless forms of transition life. [13]
The process of planetary evolution is orderly and controlled. The selected and superior strains of living protoplasm are jealously and intelligently guarded when once they make their appearance. [14]
The sudden appearance of new species and diversified orders of living organisms is wholly biologic, strictly natural. There is nothing supernatural connected with these genetic mutations. [15]
Each generation now tends to eliminate from the reproductive stream of the race those individuals in whom parental instinct is insufficiently strong to insure the procreation of children, the prospective parents of the next generation. [16]
There was exactly 70 generations between dawn mammals and mid-mammals. [17]
Between primitive tribes, family feuds increased, tribal wars broke out, and serious losses were sustained among the very best elements of the more able and advanced groups. Some of these losses were irreparable; some of the most valuable strains of ability and intelligence were forever lost to the world. This early race and its primitive civilization were threatened with extinction by this incessant warfare of the clans. [18]
Chromosomes on Prince’s staff are reorganized more after the patterns of the standardized Satania specialization by powerful life-maintenance circuits of the Satania system. [19] The one hundred asistants of Caligastia taught selective animal breeding to mankind. [20] Tremendous gains resulted from the small amount of the blood of the violet race which the evolutionary peoples incidentally secured. [21]
The northern Chinese received just enough of the Andite strain to mildly stimulate their innately able minds but not enough to fire them with the restless, exploratory curiosity so characteristic of the northern white races. [22] Abraham arrived in an expected generation by the Melchizedek receivers. [23] Moses’ unusual versatility and adaptability was derived from mixed ancestry. His mother was egyptian and his father was semitic. [24] Jesus did not interfere with biologic evolution. [25] Race is one of decisive factors in evolution of culture. [26] Racial deterioration contributed to Roman decline. [27]