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All who survive receive Adjusters and eventually join Corps of Mortal Finaliters. [1] Can work with Master Physical Controllers. [2] Derived from Adams and Eves or their immediate progeny. [3] Energized electrically, by Adamic technique. [4] Exclusively attached to human ministry. [5] Exist just outside range of mortal vision; can make physical contact with material things. [6] Further cause of progressive civilization. [7] Male and female types. [8] Material but ordinarily invisible. [9] More material than primary midwayers. [10] Nearer men than angels. [11] Of adjutant mind-spirits, only 6th and 7th minister to. [12]
16 often invisible children of Adamson and Ratta were progenitors of. [13] 33 chiefs went over to service of Melchizedeks at death of Adamson. [14] 873 of 1,984 failed to align with Michael; were interned at Pentecost. [15] Beelzebub was rebels’ chief executive. [16] Delivered Peter from prison. [17] Named alphabetically, such as A-B-C the First. [18] Loyal members now number 1,111. [19] Minority made mischief up to times of Jesus. [20] Part IV written by. [21] Rebels could make themselves visible. [22] Serve as contact guardians for reservists when Adjusters detached. [23] Urmia lectures written by 3. [24]
Some attain contact with Adjusters of favorably constituted. Mortals. [25] Subject insubordinate minorities. [26] Vary physically, intellectually, and spiritually. [27] Visible to humans in light and life. [28]
See also: UB 77:6.