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Associated with Celestial Guardians on Uversa. [1] Depend on seraphic associates, records, for immediate reconstruction of human memory. [2]
Achieve unsurpassed wisdom regarding their local universe. [3] Do not ordinarily attain Paradise or become finaliters. [4] Local universe Corps of Perfection. [5] Majority become permanent citizens of local universes. [6]
High Commissioners. [7] Trinitized Ambassadors. [8] Trinitized Sons of Attainment. [9] Trinitized Sons of Selection. [10] Universe Aids. [11]
Some are transformed and ascend to superuniverse or even Paradise. [12]
Go through mansion worlds. [13] Guardian angels serving. [14] In charge of 8th Salvington circuit. [15] In personality registers. [16] Included in Father’s personality circuit. [17] May revisit nativity worlds in subsequent planetary dispensations. [18] Not numerous in Nebadon. [19] Resurrection procedure. [20] Spirit fragmentations do not indwell mortals during life in flesh. [21]
Achieved on series 1 and series 2 planets. [22] Andon’s immediate descendants achieved. [23] Fusion takes place upon morontia awakening. [24] Fusion with fragment of local universe Mother Spirit. [25] Fusion with premind of spirit of Infinite Spirit. [26] Loaned Adjusters prepare subjects; build up their souls. [27] Never occurs during mortal life. [28] Nonbreathers are candidates for Spirit fusion. [29] Primitive races undergo. [30]
Susatia closely associated with. [31] Urantia mortals will not become. [32] Why some are Spirit-fused. [33] Worlds of Spirit-fused mortals evolve identically with Adjuster-fusion series. [34]
See also: UB 37:5.1-4; UB 40:9.