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6th group of Supreme Spirits of Infinite Spirit. [1]
Co-ordinate Ministering Daughters. [2] Creative Daughters. [3] Creative Mother Spirits. [4] Creative Spirits. [5] Daughter Spirits. [6] Daughters of the Spirit. [7] Divine Ministers. [8] Mother Creator. [9] Spirit Daughters. [10] Universe Daughter. [11] Universe Divine Ministers. [12] Universe Mother Creators. [13] Universe Mother Spirits. [14] Universe Spirits. [15]
Among Supreme Creators. [16]
Antigravity. [17] Each is equally and diffusely present in her universe. [18] In nature all are uniform, like their superuniverse Master Spirit. [19] Independent of space, but not of time. [20] Inherent capacity of physical control. [21] Initiate materialization of physical realities. [22] Presence defines extent of each local universe. [23] Proclamation of Equality by new Master Sons. [24] Source of local universe intellect. [25] Supply living spark of life through Life Carriers. [26]
Achievement of personality by creative cooperation with Creator Son. [27] Always personal to associated Creator Son. [28] Become personal likeness of associated Master Spirit. [29] Birth within person of Infinite Spirit. [30] Evolves from living power focus to status of divine personality. [31] Havona training with Spirits of Circuits. [32] Initial training. [33] Master Spirits’ role in personalization. [34] Prayer of identification by Master Spirit. [35] Primary eruption in Infinite Spirit. [36] Stages of existence. [37] Supreme reaction of complement. [38] Unique personalizations of Infinite Spirit. [39]
Discerners of Spirits reflect knowledge of. [40] Elevation to cosovereignty. [41] Father confirms eternal union with Creator Son. [42]
As Infinite Spirit to local universes. [43] Bestow mind after becoming personal. [44] Create local universes with Creator Sons. [45] Creator Sons invest their spiritual presence in Mother Spirits when absent. [46] Do not contest rebellion. [47] Early function. [48] Endow life. [49] Function as mothers. [50] Minister adjutant mind-spirits. Ministers and helpers of Michael Sons. [51] Nominate Paradise Companions. [52] Produce and maintain life. [53] Progressively blend ministry with Master Spirit and Infinite Spirit. [54] Will accompany Creator Sons if they go to outer universes. [55]
In personality registers. [56] May attain union with Creator Sons in eternity. [57]
Adjutant mind-spirits are bestowal of, level of consciousness of. [58] Circuits of spirit power flow through. [59] Coordinated with spirit-gravity of Eternal Son. [60] Completely control mind gravity. [61] Each bestows cosmic mind to her universe. [62] Holy Spirit is spirit of. [63] Material Sons maintain immortal status through association with mind-gravity circuit of. [64] Participate in bestowal of Spirit of Truth. [65] Solitary Messengers function under. [66] Spirit of Truth functionally centered in. [67]
Never leave local universe headquarters. [68]
Bright and Morning Stars are first-born of. [69] Local universe angelic orders created by. [70] Morontia Companions. [71] Morontia Power Supervisors. [72] Transform cherubim and sanobim into seraphim, Mansion World Teachers. [73]
Pledge eternal subordination to enthroned Master Sons. [74] Spirit-fused mortals achieve eternal life through. [75] Will never return to Paradise. [76]
See also: UB 34; UB 9:8.4-5; UB 17:6; UB 37:0.1.