The Local Universe Mother Spirits are the 6th group of Supreme Spirits, serving Creator Sons as associate in controlling and overseeing Local Universes. [1]
They are counted between the Supreme Creators, along with Creator Sons. The present functioning of divinity in the superuniverses is actively manifest among Supreme Creators, leading inward to the Universal Father. [2]
Local Universe Mother Spirits are in personality registers with Local Universe Creative Spirits, guiding and nurturing the evolution of life in their respective universes. [3]
The local universe Mother Spirits possess the full endowment of antigravity and exert complete control of mind gravity in their respective realms. [4]
The local universe Mother Spirits are equally and diffusely present throughout their entire universe, independent of space but not of time, making their personal presence just as literal on one world as on any other. [5] All local universe Mother Spirits are uniform, like their superuniverse Master Spirit, despite their diverse functions and techniques. [6] The local universe Mother Spirits are completely independent of space, but are bound by time in their ministrations. [7]
The inherent capacity of physical control in local universe Mother Spirits determines the power charge and potential-matter endowment of each universe, leading to variations in physical dimensions and visible-matter content. [8]
The Universe Spirit initiates the materialization of physical realities, working in tandem with the Universe Son to bring energy designs into physical substances through the presence of the Infinite Spirit. [9] The presence of the Creative Spirit defines the extent of each local universe. [10]
The Proclamation of Equality by new Master Sons marks a significant turning point for the local universe Mother Spirits as they pledge fidelity and obedience to the Creator Son. [11] The Divine Minister is the source of local universe intellect, guiding the evolution of morontia mind through direct contact with cosmic mind. [12]
The vital spark of life is supplied through Life Carriers by the Universe Mother Spirit in the creation of intelligent creatures in the local universe. [13] The discerners reflect knowledge of mortal man to the Mother Spirit of Salvington. [14]
Local universe Mother Spirits achieve personality through creative cooperation with Creator Sons, leading to their joint rule in the local universe as part of the Paradise pair. [15]
The local universe Mother Spirits are always personal to associated Creator Sons, functioning from the headquarters of each local universe in specialized focalization acquired through creative co-operation. [16]
The local universe Mother Spirits become personal likenesses of the associated Master Spirit, a transformation shrouded in instantaneous, inscrutable, and incomprehensible mystery. [17]
The birth of a co-ordinate Creator Son signalizes the birth within the person of the Infinite Spirit of the potential of the future local universe consort of this Paradise Son. [18]
Local universe Mother Spirits evolve from a living power focus to the status of divine personality, alongside the evolving presence of the Conjoint Actor and Creator Son in the local universes. [19] The Universe Mother Spirits receive their prepersonal training in Havona in close connection with the Spirits of the Circuits. [20]
During initial training, the local universe Mother Spirits develop entity and group consciousness in preparation for collaboration in universe creation and administration. [21]
The Master Spirits’ role in personalization of the local universe Mother Spirits is a profound and transformative process that occurs in the presence of the Paradise Trinity. [22]
The prayer of identification by the Master Spirit marks the beginning of the eternal union between the Creator Son and the Creative Spirit in the stage of physical creation. [23]
The primary eruption in Infinite Spirit signifies the personalization of the Spirit consort of the Creator Son, marking the beginning of the Life-Creation Era in the local universe. [24]
We are acquainted with six stages of a local universe Mother Spirit's career, and we ponder the possibility of a seventh stage, hinting at further evolution and service in the universe. [25] The supreme reaction of complement occurs during the initial differentiation of a Creator Son on Paradise by the Universal Father and the Eternal Son. [26]
The local universe Mother Spirits are unique personalizations of Infinite Spirit that function from the headquarters of each universe, acquiring full personality qualities through creative cooperation with the Creator Son. [27]
The Creator Son's elevation to cosovereignty of the Universe Mother Spirit marks a pivotal moment in the postbestowal ages, setting a transcendent pattern for all creatures in the local universe. [28]
The Father confirms eternal union with the Creator Son, expressing the prayer of identification as the Creative Spirit is committed to the Creator Son by the Master Spirit, in acknowledgment of their joint powers of administration. [29]
The local universe Mother Spirits, as Infinite Spirit to local universes, are the faithful and true manifestations of the Paradise Infinite Spirit, serving as ever-present and all-wise advisers to the Creator Sons. [30] The local universe Mother Spirits bestow mind after becoming personal for their children's development. [31]
The Universe Mother Spirits create local universes with Creator Sons, fostering and sustaining their work while ministering to the creatures of their own making. [32]
In the absence of a Creator Son, the Mother Spirit is invested with spiritual overcontrol, ensuring continued guidance and care throughout the local universe. [33]
The local universe Mother Spirits do not contest rebellion, but instead sustain the Son in all efforts to stabilize government and uphold authority in worlds tainted with evil or dominated by sin. [34]
Upon completion of the physical plan of a universe, the Creator Son and Creative Spirit initiate life creation, prompting the early function of the local universe Mother Spirit as a distinct creative personality, giving rise to the Bright and Morning Star as the chief executive of the universe. [35]
The local universe Mother Spirits endow life on inhabited worlds, guiding evolutionary progression through the seven adjutants towards higher spiritual ideals. [36]
The Son functions as a father, while the Spirit enacts the role of a mother, always assisting and being indispensable to the administration of the universe. [37] About the minister adjutant mind-spirits see below in links. The local universe Mother Spirits are devoted ministers and helpers of the Michael Sons as they embark on their creative adventures. [38]
Local universe Mother Spirits nominate Paradise Companions, the highest honor for angelic hosts, chosen by Reflective Spirits, Majeston of Paradise, and commissioned by Seven Master Spirits. [39]
The Creative Spirit collaborates with the Creator Son to produce and maintain life on the worlds, fulfilling their role as creators and sustainers of all creations. [40]
The Divine Minister progressively blends ministry with Master Spirit and Infinite Spirit, leading to a new relationship between Creator Son, Creative Spirit, Evening Stars, Teacher Sons, and finaliter corps. [41]
If Creator Sons travel to outer universes, their Divine Ministers will accompany them, while the Melchizedeks are to stay in their local universes and take on more responsibilities. [42]
In the eternity of the future, Creator Sons and Creative Spirits of local universes may attain union, potentially revealing a new manifestation of Ultimate Deity. [43] The Universe Mother Spirit never leaves the local universe headquarters, remaining as the focus and center of spiritual presence and influence. [44]
The Master Son acknowledged eternal dependence on the Creative Mother Spirit, proclaiming equality in divine character and setting the pattern for unity in the family and marriage. [45] Spirit-fused mortals achieve eternal life through the spiritual embrace of the Mother Spirit of the local universe. [46] The Daughter Spirits of the Infinite Mother Spirit find satisfaction in universal reflectivity, as they will never return to Paradise. [47]
The seven adjutant mind-spirits are a level of consciousness bestowed by a local universe Mother Spirit upon intelligent life, influencing organic evolution with purposeful intent. [48] Circuits of spirit power flow through the established currents and ordained circuits of spiritual influence in the local universe. [49]
The spirit ministry of the local universe Mother Spirits is coordinated with the spirit-gravity of the Eternal Son, ensuring final unification of all time-space spirit manifestations. [50] The Universe Spirit attains full and complete control of mind gravity, just as the Infinite Spirit would in the local universe. [51]
Each local universe Mother Spirit bestows cosmic mind to her universe, revealing the imperfectly disclosed reality of the Conjoint Creator as the ancestor of human mind. [52]
The Holy Spirit is the spiritual circuit of the Creative Daughter of the Infinite Spirit, confined to each local universe, while the Universe Mother Spirit remains fixed on the headquarters world. [53]
Material Sons maintain immortal status through association with mind-gravity circuit of the Spirit, but when mental disjunction occurs, immortality status is lost, leading to mortal status and physical dissolution for Adam and Eve. [54] The Universe Mother Spirit participates in the bestowal of the Spirit of Truth, pouring out the triumphant Son's spirit upon all flesh. [55]
Solitary Messengers function under the authority of the Infinite Spirit and the influence of local universe Mother Spirits, embodying dependability, self-reliance, versatility, spirituality, and broad sympathy. [56]
The Spirit of Truth, functionally centered in the person of the Divine Minister, acts as the universe focus and center of the Spirit of Truth as well as of her own personal influence, the Holy Spirit. [57]
The Bright and Morning Star is the first-born of a local universe, conceived by the Creator Son and the Infinite Spirit. [58] Together with their Infinite Mother Spirit, the local universe angelic orders are created by a Creative Spirit. [59]
Morontia Companions, friends and hosts to those on the upward morontia journey, do not replace the work of seraphic guardians but assist in play and guidance. [60]
Morontia Power Supervisors are unique entities created by a local universe Mother Spirit for their specific function, requiring no training before their responsibilities. [61]
Seraphim, transforming from cherubim and sanobim, may attain the prestigious status of Mansion World Teachers within the Universe Mother Spirit's embrace. [62]
See also: UB 34; UB 9:8.4-5; UB 17:6; UB 37:0.1.