The teaching about guardian angels is not a myth; certain groups of human beings do actually have personal angels. [1]
The guardian seraphim attend youths in the probationary nursery on the finaliter world just as they spiritually minister to mortals on the evolutionary planets, while the faithful spornagia minister to their physical necessities. [2]
When a planetary age ends, when those in the lower circles of mortal achievement are forgathered, it is their group guardians who reassemble them in the resurrection halls of the mansion spheres, even as record tells: “And he shall send his angels with a great voice and shall gather together his elect from one end of the realm to another. [3]
Throughout the life-lapse period of the sleeping survivors the spiritual values and eternal realities of their newly evolved and immortal souls are held as a sacred trust by the personal or by the group guardian seraphim. [4]
A majority, but not all, of the seraphim of planetary and local universe service who have been accredited for the Paradise ascent will part with their mortal associates before the long flight to Havona and will at once begin a long and intense training for supernal assignment, expecting to achieve, as seraphim, perfection of existence and supremacy of service. [5]
The technique of justice demands that personal or group guardians shall respond to the dispensational roll call in behalf of all nonsurviving personalities. [6]
The seraphim of assignment sponsors the new body, the morontia form, as the new life vehicle for the immortal soul and for the indwelling of the returned Adjuster. [7] Survivors first see guardian angels on mansion worlds. [8] Cherubim and sanobim always associated with guardian angels on earth, but not on mansion worlds. [9]
On the morontia spheres the two attending seraphim are our open companions. These angels not only consort with us as we progress through the career of the transition worlds, in every way possible assisting us in the acquirement of morontia and spirit status, but they also avail themselves of the opportunity to advance by study in the extension schools for evolutionary seraphim maintained on the mansion worlds. [10]
If an ascending pilgrim met defeat in the Deity adventure while traversing Havona in the company of an ascending seraphim, the guardian angel of the mortal career, she would elect to accompany her mortal associate. [11]
All angelic assignments are made from a group of volunteering seraphim, and these appointments are always in accordance with human needs and with regard to the status of the angelic pair. [12]
With the arrival of the first Adjuster on an inhabited world the guardian seraphim also make their appearance; they are indispensable to terrestrial escape. [13] Since the bestowal of Michael, they are assigned in accordance with human intelligence, spirituality, and destiny. [14]
Although both Andon and Fonta had received Thought Adjusters, as had many of their descendants, it was not until the days of Onagar that the Adjusters and guardian seraphim came in great numbers to Urantia. [15]
Group guardians may serve on a planet age after age and eventually become custodians of the slumbering souls of thousands upon thousands of sleeping survivors. [16]
Midwayers are not men, neither are they angels, but secondary midwayers are, in nature, nearer man than angel; they are, in a way, of our races and are, therefore, very understanding and sympathetic in their contact with us; they are invaluable to the seraphim in their work for and with our races, and both orders are indispensable to the seraphim who serve as our personal guardians. [17] When we attain the sixth circle of spirituality, a seraphic pair with one company of cherubim is assigned to guide us in groups of five hundred. [18]
Seraphim are not known as guardians of destiny until such time as they are assigned to the association of a human soul who has realized one or more of three achievements: has made a supreme decision to become Godlike, has entered the third circle, or has been mustered into one of the reserve corps of destiny. [19]
All personal and group guardians in the system of Satania who went astray in the Lucifer rebellion, notwithstanding that many sincerely repented of their folly, are to be detained on Jerusem until the final adjudication of the rebellion. [20]
The seraphim guard us; they do not seek directly to influence us; we must chart our own course, but these angels then act to make the best possible use of the course we have chosen. [21] To the seraphic guardians the very hairs of our head are numbered. [22]
The guarding seraphim is constantly manipulating our environment for the purpose of augmenting our cosmic insight to the end that we may acquire enhanced realization of the presence of the indwelling Adjuster and thus be enabled to yield increased co-operation with the spiritual mission of the divine presence. [23] Angels do not invade the sanctity of the human mind; they do not manipulate our will; neither do they directly contact with the indwelling Adjusters. [24]
The seraphim act in our behalf quite independent of our direct appeals; they are executing the mandates of their superiors, and thus they function regardless of our passing whims or changing moods. This does not imply that we may not make their tasks either easier or more difficult, but rather that angels are not directly concerned with our appeals or with our prayers. [25] They do not, therefore, intrude into the picture of human drama except in emergencies and then usually on the direct orders of their superiors. [26] The guardians are most active at those times when the Adjusters are least active, but their ministry is in some manner strangely correlated. [27]
While there is apparently no communication between the indwelling Adjusters and the encompassing seraphim, they always seem to work in perfect harmony and exquisite accord. [28]
They are able, with the assistance of the midway creatures and the physical controllers, to function in a wide range of activities in behalf of us, even to make actual contact with us, but such occurrences are very unusual. [29]
See also: UB 113:0-1.