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Absoluta is potencies existing within space. [1] Absolute gravity circuits independent of. [2] Achieved space versus unachieved space. [3] Adjuster-fused souls traverse space freely before receiving morontia forms. [4] Conditions between Paradise and superuniverses. [5] Force-charge of s. Greatest aid and most formidable obstacle to reality perception. [6] Infinite Mind is independent of. [7] Mind partially transcends. [8] Motions of. [9]
Bestowal of Paradise. [10] Came into being with creation of Havona. [11] Condition within relative absoluteness of midspace. [12] Converts energy into matter. [13] Does not exist on, but relative to, Paradise. [14] Emptiest space is 100 ultimatons per cubic inch. [15] Extends unknown distance beyond master universe. [16] Filled with energy currents, power circuits, ultimatonic and electronic energies. [17] Indissolubly linked to time, except on Paradise. [18] Interelectronic space of atom not empty. [19] Interstellar space does not attain absolute zero. [20] Is measured by time. [21] Is not force, energy, or power. [22] Is not pattern. [23] Is real. [24] Light and electricity are not basic energies of. [25] Nearest of all nonabsolute things to being absolute. [26] Neither absolute nor infinite. [27] Neutralizes gravity; nonresponsive to gravity. [28] Property of all material bodies. [29] System of associated points; perceived by synthesis. [30] Transcendental reality. [31] Vertical cross section of total space resembles Maltese cross centered on Paradise; hourglass. [32] Womb of absoluta and other forms of matter and prematter. [33]
No barrier to Deity. [34] Personalities of Infinite Spirit largely independent of. [35]
6 space levels constitute major divisions of. [36] Ancestral space potency of Unqualified Absolute, absoluta, fills. [37] Exerts antigravity influence upon linear gravity. [38] Now in expansion phase. [39] V-shaped plane at right angles to peripheral Paradise. [40]
Pilgrims may traverse achieved space without being ensupernaphimed. [41] Reflectivity independent of. [42] Space rays. Space reports.
2 billion year cycle. [43] Accounts for impression of expanding universe. [44] Expansion and contraction of pervaded and unpervaded space. [45] Extends throughout pervaded space. [46] Is not uncharted plunge into new space. [47] Is space work, not power-energy work. [48] Mechanism for space respiration unknown. [49] Motion of space itself. [50] Pulsations of nether Paradise synchronized with space respiration. [51]
Spirit is independent of space. [52] Storage of energy into ultimatons causes vibrations in content of space. [53]
No absoluta in unpervaded space. [54] Now in contraction phase. [55] Space unpervaded by forces, energies, and presences existing in. Pervaded space. [56] Shaped like an hourglass above and below Paradise. [57] Vertical or reservoir space is equipoise of horizontal or universe space. [58]
Vast amount of matter circulates in. [59]