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Avonal Sons, Paradise Sons of God. [1] Dispensational adjudicators. [2] Judges of survival in creations of time and space. [3] Personalizations of Eternal Son and Infinite Spirit. [4]
7 creature bestowals is usually the limit. [9] Appear as male adults. [10] Are born of woman. [11] Each planet has only 1 bestowal Son. [12] Evening Stars bid Magisterial Sons be about brother’s business. [13] Every planet in local universe will have, except the one on which the Creator Son incarnates. [14] In unbroken connection with spiritual forces when incarnated. [15] Incarnate with experienced Adjusters. [16] Initial planetary mission involves physical incarnation, subsequent ones may not. [17] May remain an age on first mission if universally accepted. [18]
He who has seen a Magisterial Sons has seen Eternal Son. [19] In personality registers. [20]
Arrive when intellectual and ethical progress has reached limits of evolutionary development. [21]
World-wide peace indicates ripeness for. [26]
None have visited Urantia on magisterial missions. [27] Number about 1 billion; 1062 in Nebadon. [28] Referred to as “lesser Christs”. [29] Residence in Jerusem circles. [30] Self-governing order based on Paradise. [31]
Accompany Teacher Sons on planetary missions. [32] Counselors in local system light and life. [33] Each Magisterial Sons’s work is unique since no two are alike. [34] Just as effective and powerful on bestowals as Creator Son. [35] Not creators in personal sense. [36] Personally present on bestowal planet for inauguration of morontia temple. [37] Planetary progress depends on missions of. [38] Serve under Creator Sons in local universes. [39]
Spirit of Truth is spirit of Creator Son and spirit of bestowal Son. [40]