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All are united in near-absolute spiritual association. [1] All knowledge of Father comes from Eternal Son, Paradise Sons. [2]
Divine ministers – creators, servers, bestowers, judges,. Teachers, and truth revealers. [3] Of direct divine creation on Paradise. [4] Revelations of Eternal Son. [5] Word of God. [6]
Automatic self-rejuvenators; incapable of depletion. [7]
Achieve perfect attunement with indwelling Adjusters. [8] Adjusters participating in bestowals become Personalized. [9] Always born as male child. [10] Are miracles. [11] Are mysteries. [12] As Princes of Peace. [13] Careers. [14] Cruel death not necessary. [15] Do not beget offspring. [16] Do not influence Father’s attitude. [17] Eternal Son comes to mortals as personality in. [18] Eternal Son demonstrated bestowal in Havona. [19] Follow many vocations. [20] Fuse nature of creature and Creator. [21] God in man; Word made flesh. [22] High Commissioners always accompany. [23] In every respect become like mortals. [24] Incarnation is secret of Sonarington. [25] Most beautiful expression of divinity is found in earth lives of. [26] No mission has ever failed. [27] Only one Paradise Sons bestows himself on each planet. [28] Paradise Sons augment their divine natures by. [29]
Chief mission is to release Spirit of Truth. [30] Establish new and living way. [31] Exclusively devoted to spiritual enlightenment. [32] Illuminate progression through Supreme to Father. [33] Inaugurate new dispensations; repersonalize sleeping. Survivors. [34] Look to Paradise Sons for reliable information regarding Father, Son, and Spirit. [35] Make possible Adjusters’ indwelling. [36] Necessary training. [37] Re-establish circuits on quarantined worlds. [38]
Collaborate in revelation of Deities. [39] Father comes down to us as a personality only through. [40] Father delegates all possible power and authority to. [41] Forgather every millennium for conclaves. [42] Have all of Eternal Son’s divine nature, though not all attributes. [43] In direct and constant communication with Eternal Son. [44] Love and crave to understand their creatures. [45] Master Spirit Number Two in close association with. [46] Numbers are constantly increasing. [47] Origins of. [48] Presence on an evolutionary world terminates dispensation. [49]
Creator Sons. Magisterial Sons. Trinity Teacher Sons.
Work of each is as if he were the first and only Son of God; identical in quality. [50]
See also: UB 20; UB 7:6; UB 20:5; UB 119:0.2.