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6 colored races appear; language develops. [1] Emergence from animal level; lasts from 150,000 to 1,000,000 years. [2] Long, dark, and bloody chapter. [3] Religion is fear, awe, and superstition. [4] Urantia’s ended with 1st dispensational roll call at arrival of Prince. [5] Urantia’s lasted 1,000,000 to 500,000 years ago. [6]
Adjusters arriving in increasing numbers. [7] Agriculture appears. [8] Government appears. [9] Mansant was great teacher of. [10] Races brought to physical perfection. [11] Racial dispersion and intense nationalism. [12] Urantia’s ended with 2nd dispensational roll call at arrival of Adam and Eve. [13] Urantia’s began with appearance of colored races; regarded as old stone age. [14] Usually lasts 500,000 years. [15]
1st mansonia designed to develop up to. [16] Adamic life plasm immediately upsteps man’s intellectual capacity. [17] Adjusters increasingly bestowed. [18] Age of invention and exploration. [19] Dispensation of internationalism. [20] Hunters and herders to agriculture. [21] Jesus perceived end of. [22] Races are practically blended to olive shade of violet. [23] Urantia’s last; ended with 3rd roll call upon resurrection of Jesus. [24] Usually lasts 25,000 years. [25] Usually witnesses elimination of the unfit. [26]
2nd mansonia compares with. [27] Flowering of art, music, and higher learning. [28] Fusion Adjusters not yet universal. [29] Lasts 25,000 to 50,000 years. [30] Many Avonal visits may take place. [31] Races blended and fit. [32] Races effect economic liberation. [33] Return to more simplified living. [34] Sciences reach height of development. [35] World-wide spiritual enlightenment. [36]
3rd mansonia compares with. [37] Average life span climbs above 300 years. [38] Disease and delinquency virtually eliminated. [39] Lasts 10,000 to 100,000 years. [40] Man is of one race, language, and religion. [41] Michael’s bestowal on Urantia. [42] On Urantia. [43] World-wide pursuit of moral culture, spiritual truth. [44]
4th mansonia comparable to. [45] Conclusion of Teacher Sons’ missions mark entrance upon light and life. [46] Government vanishes. [47] Lasts more than 1000 years. [48] Life span approaches 500 years. [49] Many mortals translated. [50] Planetary Prince elevated to Planetary Sovereign. [51] Teacher Sons may repeatedly return to same world. [52]
Determined by missions of divine Sons; listed. [53] Magisterial Sons adjudicate to close. [54] Magisterial Sons reassign celestial beings for tasks of each new dispensation. [55] Son-Spirit minister supreme seraphim assist. [56] Universal Censors are organic part of all dispensational adjudications. [57]
Each planetary epochs provides immediate destiny for all preceding stages. [58]
1st – nutrition; food quest paramount. [59] 2nd – security; attention devoted to war. [60] 3rd – material comfort; luxury vies with necessity. [61] 4th – knowledge and wisdom. [62] 5th – philosophy and brotherhood. [63] 6th – spiritual striving. [64] 7th – light and life. [65]
Father will send another bestowal at end of dispensation. [66] Light and life. No arbitrary time limits regarding. [67] Practice to send forth advance groups to prepare way for subsequent epochs. [68] Sleeping survivors enter upon eternal ascent at end of each dispensation. [69] Urantia’s normal sequence deranged by Michael’s incarnation. [70]
See also: UB 52; UB 49:5.21-28; UB 52:1; UB 52:2; UB 52:3; UB 52:4; UB 52:5-6; UB 52:7; UB 50:5.3-11.